Llistat de revistes on publicar articles



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Revistes d'accés obert (directori complet a DOAJ.org(external link))

En anglès

  • Journal of Educational Technology & Society
    • Instruccions per a autors: http://ifets.ieee.org/periodical/author_guide.html(external link)
      • Es poden publicar articles, amb revisió per parells, o bé fer revisions de llibres, webs, softwares, que no són revisats per5 parells sinó només modificats potencialment per l'editor, si els accepta. Fan discussions via web també, periòdiques, durant x mesos, abans de publicar-ne els resultats, etc.
    • The Journal of Educational Technology & Society is included in the Thomson Scientific Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) with impact factor of 0.267 according to Thomson Scientific 2005 Journal Citations Report.
    • Web: http://www.ifets.info/(external link)

  • BEE-j: Bioscience Education Electronic journal
    • Instruccions per a autors: http://bio.ltsn.ac.uk/journal/authinstructions.htm(external link)
      • Revista en-línia lliurement accesible als seus continguts complets, amb revisió per parells, electrònica i bianual, propietat del "Centre for Bioscience". Tema dels articles: que siguin d'interès per a l'educació terciària (universitària?) i secundària superior (batxillerat) sobre biociències.
    • Web: URL(external link)

  • ELEED: e-learning and education
    • Instruccions per a autors: http://eleed.campussource.de/author_guidelines/(external link)
    • It is is an archival, peer-reviewed technical journal that will appear continously and publishes the following types of contributions: Research papers, Reports on case studies, Survey articles, e-Learning standards and proposals, Reports on major e-Learning projects, Book and product presentations or discussions.
    • This electronic journal will cover all aspects of e-learning including: * Best practice reports addressing all kinds of educational and vocational settings, * Innovative didactic and pedagogical models and scenarios, * Novel software infrastructure solutions including e-learning platforms, tools, and reusable content modules.
    • Web : http://eleed.campussource.de/current_issue(external link)

  • The Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology
    • Instruccions per a autors: http://www.cjlt.ca/authors.html(external link)
    • It is a peer-reviewed journal that welcomes papers on all aspects of educational technology and learning. Topics may include, but are not limited to: learning theory and technology, cognition and technology, instructional design theory and application, online learning, computer applications in education, simulations and gaming, and other aspects of the use of technology in the learning process.

  • The e-Journal of Instructional Science and Technology (e-JIST)
    • Instruccions per a autors: http://www.usq.edu.au/e-jist/submission.htm(external link)
    • It is an international peer-reviewed electronic journal. The Journal is a multi-faceted publication with content likely to be of interest to policy makers, managers, investors, professional staff, technical staff, and academics within education and training. Contributions may cover theoretical and applied discussion of contemporary issues, review research in particular fields, report on specific research, describe recent technical developments and contribute to debate in a wide range of areas including foundations of instructional science, practice of instructional design in education and training, instructional delivery technologies, management and administration of instructional technology, evaluation of instructional design input, and future developments. Since so much of current development occurs in a multi-disciplinary context, perspectives reflecting specific discipline approaches are encouraged.

  • International Journal of Educational Technology
    • Instruccions per a autors: http://smi.curtin.edu.au/ijet/submission.html(external link)
    • IJET is committed to providing access to quality research articles in the area of educational technology for all interested readers. The subject matter should be concerned with theory and/or practice within the area of computer-based educational technologies.

  • Journal of Information Technology Education
    • Instruccions per a autors: http://jite.org/submit.htm(external link)
    • The academically peer refereed Journal of Information Technology Education (JITE) endeavors to improve IT Education around the world, as shown in our mission statement. Mission: 1. improve IT education around the world by publishing high quality articles on best practices and other topics of use in improving IT education, 2. expose the reader to a variety of epistemologies and types of articles, including primary, action, and secondary research, 3. provide those who submit manuscripts for publication with useful, timely feedback by making the review process constructive, 4. be for the reader the most authoritative journal on IT education, and, 5. acknowledge and embrace the diversity of teaching and learning models in use around the world

  • Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice
    • Instruccions per autors: http://jutlp.uow.edu.au/(external link)
    • It is a bi-annual, peer-reviewed journal publishing papers that add significantly to the body of knowledge describing effective and innovative teaching and learning practice in the higher education environment. The Journal aims to provide a forum for educational practitioners in a wide range of disciplines to communicate their teaching and learning outcomes in a scholarly way. Its purpose is to bridge the gap between journals covering purely academic research and more pragmatic articles and opinions published elsewhere.
      • Papers which describe the collection and interpretation of data concerning the design or use of an educational approach;
      • Papers which describe the application of principled methods, theory or tools to the design, development and/or implementation of an educational approach;
      • Papers which characterise the literature relating to a particular educational approach;
      • Organisational, management or policy initiatives in the area of educational design, development and implementation;
      • Large case studies of local experiences where an educational approach has been fully implemented for over at least one year;
      • Major educational technology developments;
      • Major pedagogical or curriculum development initiatives;

  • Current Issues in Education

En castellà:

  • Redie: Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa
    (UABC!!!! smile)
    • Instruccions per autors: http://redie.uabc.mx/enlaces/como-publicar.html(external link)
    • La Redie es una revista arbitrada, de acceso a texto completo y que surge únicamente en formato electrónico. Su periodicidad es semestral y se le considera la primera publicación en su género en México. El propósito de esta publicación es usar las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para difundir el conocimiento educativo producido a partir de líneas disciplinarias y aproximaciones metodológicas diversas. Aprovechando las ventajas de la plataforma electrónica, la Redie pretende convertirse en un punto de encuentro para docentes y estudiosos de la educación.
  • Web: http://redie.uabc.mx/(external link)

  • RELIEVE: "Revista ELectrónica de Investigación y EValuación Educativa" - "Electronic Journal of Educational Research, Assessment and Evaluation"
    • Instruccions per a autors: http://www.uv.es/RELIEVE/guiaautores.htm(external link)
    • RELIEVE is the first peer-reviewed, open access scholarly electronic journal published in Spain. As an instrument of communication for the educational community, with its focus on educational research, assessment and evaluation, RELIEVE seeks to examine the communication possibilities and interactivity offered by the Internet. RELIEVE is published under the auspices of AIDIPE (Interuniversitary Association of Research in Pedagogy), whose social headquarters are in Pg. de la Vall d'Hebron, 171. 08035-Barcelona. AIDIPE also publishes, in printed format, RIE (Revista de Investigación Educativa - Review of Educational Research). RELIEVE is actually published from the Department of Methods of Research and Diagnostic in Education (M.I.D.E.) of the University of Valencia (Blasco Ibañez Av., 30. 46010-Valencia -Spain) .
    • Web: http://www.uv.es/RELIEVE/(external link)

    (Revista de la Escuela Universitaria de Magisterio de Toledo)
    • Esta Revista en soporte digital pretende ser un foro de intercambio de experiencias, ideas e inquietudes de profesionales comprometidos con la educación del tercer milenio desde sus diferentes orientaciones, en el que se rompen las barreras espaciales y temporales desde las que poder participar.
    • Instruccions per a autors: http://www.uclm.es/profesorado/ricardo/Docencia_e_Investigacion/NormasRevista.htm(external link)

  • Edutec: Revista Electrónica de Tecnología Educativa
    • Instruccions per autors: http://edutec.rediris.es/Revelec2/Revelec11/PUBLICACION.html(external link)
    • Edutec Revista Electrónica de Tecnología Educativa recoge artículos y trabajos de reflexión generados desde el ámbito de la Tecnología Educativa. Nuestro principal objetivo es no solo difundir trabajos y experiencias de nuestro entorno profesional sino servir de plataforma para el diálogo, el intercambio de ideas y la participación.
      • De hecho, la Revista Electrónica de Tecnología Educativa forma parte de un proyecto más amplio: Edutec. Comunidad Virtual de Tecnología Educativa que integra: Edutec-l (foro de discusión y intercabio profesional), Edutec Revista Electrónica de Tecnología Educativa, espacio compartido basade en el BSCW para grupos de trabajo, espacio de chat... además de otros servicios de documentación e información.
    • tendrá una perdiodicidad trimestral y constará de las siguientes secciones:
Artículos, Opinión, ...

Revistes d'accés restringit (les habituals)

En anglès i amb revisió per parells

En català

En castellà


Contributors to this page: Xavier.dePedro , Xavi and system .
Page last modified on Friday 04 de May, 2007 16:43:38 CEST by Xavier.dePedro.

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