Workshop proposal


Mirar l'estructura dels workshops, i altre info, a través de la seva web;

Text of Abstract (400-600 words)

Mr. Xavier de Pedro Puente (1); Ms. Lluïsa Núñez (2) , (3); Dr. Miquel Llobera Sande (4)
(1) Department of Ecology. University of Barcelona. // (2) Department of Biblioteconomy and Documentation. University of Barcelona. // (3) Department of Applications. Computing Center. University of Barcelona // (4)Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Barcelona

Nowadays students spend a long time in the accomplishment of works in groups, and they will have to invest more, foreseeably, with the progressive implantation of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). An important part of this time dedicated by students is invested in setting together all the information, and also in purifying it, structuring it, correcting versions, and discussing elements of doubt or discrepancy among the members of the group. At the moment, there are not many tools easily available to facilitate the task of writing a document in group in an asynchronous and co-operative process, even if the positive results of doing tasks through cooperation have been reported long ago (Johnson & Johnson, 1986). And something similar happens with teachers at the stage of preparing documents with other educators from the teaching centre, which is partly due to the lack of knowledge of suitable tools to facilitate this task.

One of these tools to fulfil this need is the Wiki, which is being used more along the last decade in superior education around the world (Schneider, 2004, and the present work). A Wiki is, according to its inventor, "a collection of freely extensible Web pages, a hypertextual system to save and to modify information, a data base in which each page is easily modifiable by any user with access to a navigator" (Cunningham, 1998). In other words, it is a simple web page, which can be quickly edited with a simple web browser directly in the internet, given the needed edition permissions are granted to each student in the work group.

Wikis present numerous applications for semiactual teaching and learning at university and highschool:
  • Writing documents in group asinchronously
  • Writing teaching portfolio by the student, about a cross-sectional subject or about several subjects throughout the course
  • Asynchronous brain storming
  • Drawing conceptual diagrams collaboratively and asinchronously (with wikis of graphs – beyond the scope of the paper or workshop but very similar to the process explained here)
  • Maintained discussions of subjects in which the ideas are refined and consolidated through a progressive and iterative way, acquiring greater levels of social construction of the knowledge (Gunawardena, Lowe and Anderson, 1997).
  • Collaborative distribution of tasks, and pursuit of its evolution
  • Creation of content in a consultable format through a Web browser at any moment, already published at the Internet, if reading permissions are given to any one
  • Creation of content easily presented in slide projection format
  • Easiness of monitoring of students dedication to answer assessments either individually or in small groups.

Preliminary results will be presented (in the paper & talk) concerning application of Wikis in Catalan, European and American universities, which have appeared, so far, showing positive results.

  • Johnson, R. T., & Johnson, D. W. (1986). Action research: Cooperative learning in the science classroom. Science and Children, 24, 31-32.
  • Daniel K. Schneider. (2004) Conception and implementation of rich pedagogical scenarios through collaborative portal sites, in Mario Tokoro and Luc Steels (eds.) The Future of Learning II, "Sharing representations and Flow in Collaborative Learning Environments", IOS Press.
  • Ward Cunningham. The wiki wiki web. WWW, 1998. http://c2.com/(external link) cgi/wiki?WikiWikiWeb
  • Gunawardena, Ch., Lowe, C. y Anderson, T. (1997). Analysis of a global online debate and the development of an interaction analysis model for examining social construction of knowledge in computer conferencing. J. Educational Computing Research, 17(4), 395-429.

Contributors to this page: Xavi and system .
Page last modified on Wednesday 02 de June, 2004 15:20:26 CEST by Xavi.

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